فارسی عربي


ifilm English to air ‘The Seamen’

ifilm English website has reported that the respective channel is scheduled to air new series ‘The Seamen’.

‘The Seamen’, produced by Masoud as well as Mehran Rassam and directed by Sirous Moqaddam, is set to go on air from Wednesday, July 19, 2017.

In ‘The Seamen’, Omid, in love with sea and sailing, is an officer in navy forces. Once that returns home after a naval mission, he meets a girl in the neighborhood. Meeting the girl gives him a feeling that he has never had before.

Among the actors starring in the series are Daryoush Arjmand, Pejman Bazeghi, Merila Zarei, Reza Attaran, Farhad Besharati, and Parvaneh Masoumi.

‘The Seamen’, made in 2002, will replace the series ‘The Honeymoon’, to be broadcasted daily at 19:00 GMT (23:30 Tehran time).

ifilm English will also repeat each episode of the drama the next day at 03:00, 08:00 and 14:00 GMT. The series is comprised of 26 segments.

